Google and Microsoft have their own versions of online cloud storage.

Recently, I downloaded the client for Google Drive and installed it successfully.

Cloud drive client required to upload and download content.

The installation process is simple and intuitive.

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After installation,  “Google Drive” is under the Favorites column.

Google Drive Folder Details

Once connected to the internet, folders automatically synchronize with online cloud storage.

There’ll also be a small “triangle” icon in the system tray symbolizing the Google Drive.

Right click the “triangle” icon to see the different settings for Google Drive client.

Google Drive Icon
Windows Google Drive client

Preferences in the Google Drive client show the different options available to manage the cloud 🌥 storage service.

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Table of Contents

Google Drive Settings

Google Drive Preferences
Google Drive App Settings

1.    Pause : It will pause your current synchronization of your Google Drive folder with your online storage.

2.   Open Google Drive folder: It will open the Google Drive folder on your computer/pc/laptop.

3.    Visit your Google Drive on the web: It takes you to the online account of your Google Drive. You can cross check here, if all your folders/files on your offline storage (i.e desktop/pc/laptop) are in sync.

Google Drive Details

4.     View items shared with me : It will display all the Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, Drawing, Folders shared with your Google Account. In general case,  Google docs and folders shared with Google Account are exhibited.

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5.     But more storage : It will open a web page taking you to the “buy me” page for more online cloud storage. As you can see below, you can upgrade your “Free” storage of 5GB to 25 GB, 100 GB and even 16 TB. The prices are as listed in the figure.

Google Drive Storage

6.     Google Preferences

Google Preferences

Updated: The Google Drive client is now called Google Drive app for desktop, google play store and app store. The Google Drive preferences have changed from the current one. The new settings are mentioned in the above article.

In this pop-up window, you can disconnect your present account, buy more storage etc.

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You can also sync only some folders to this computer.

You can enable offline viewing, by which you can access Google Drive even when you’re not connected to the internet.

The process of setting up offline access is listed on the web page of Google.

Here, you can also choose, whether to start Google Drive automatically when you start the computer or not.

7.     Help : This’ll take to the help page on Google Drive on the web.

8.     About : This’ll list the Google Drive version you’re presently using.

Google Drive Version

As a bottom line, you can try “Google Drive” to sync up important folders/files on your computer/pc/laptop.

You use it as a backup and cloud storage solution.

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  1. Jonathan Coachman says:

    This is really helpful to me. Thanks a lot for posting

  2. Non of this happens when I click either the drive or icon triangle. All it does is open the ap or drive. I can get settings but no preferences! This is the newest version. How to solve please?

  3. Hi, Palla sir this is really useful tutorial for me on “how to use Google drive..”
    thanks sir..

  4. Sunilkumar Asem says:

    My google drive preferences found google drive icon in the system Tray is get disabled? How do i get back enabled?

  5. Thank you, I couldn’t figure out how to access the Google drive settings and Google’s help was useless. I never thought to look in the system tray!