Remote Desktop Windows 10 Home is an unavailable feature. Microsoft has the tendency to reserve the high-end features for Pro and Enterprise editions.

It is easy to connect to network computers (remote access) from your Windows 10 Pro edition.

Since Group Policy Editor, gpedit.msc and Remote Desktop have been removed on Windows 10 Home, you need to see other alternatives.

Also Read – How to Enable Remote Desktop Windows 10 – 2 Power Methods

Though GitHub provides RDP Wrapper Library to use the Remote Desktop in the Home edition, Microsoft disables it in the upgraded versions.

In 2021, many users complained that the below tweak is not working and giving error.

It is always trying to catch up the Pro functionality using the GitHub updated files.

Also Read – How to Enable Remote Desktop Windows 8 or 8.1 – Striking One Quick Video

If you really want to use the RDP feature, then it’s either better to upgrade to Pro version or use an alternate software.

Components of Remote Desktop Windows 10 Home

1. Connection Broker
2. Gateway
3. Licensing
4. Session Host
5. Virtualization Host
6. Web Access

Using these services Windows 10 tries to maintain an uninterrupted connection between your PC and the remote computer.

Note: Remote desktop service works only on Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate versions of Windows.

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Also Read – 5 Best Practices to Secure Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

How To Enable Remote Desktop in Windows 10 Home

In this example, we are going to try to remote connect a Windows 10 Home PC (remote host) from a Windows 10 Pro Edition (remote client).

As we said earlier, by default, the RDP system does not work in Windows 10 Home.

So we have to use some third-party software or “tricks” to make it as a remote client.

Step #1

First, visit the following link.

You can find the latest “RDP Wrapper Library” package, which is in zip format. The current version as of now is 1.6.2.


Step #2

Download this zip file and unzip.

  • You will find Remote Configuration files in exe format. You will also find another two files – install.bat and update.bat.
  • Run the “install.bat” as Adminstrator.
  • This will open the command prompt window and some processes will run and install.
  • After finish, close the window.
  • If “install. Bat” is not working, then try using “update.bat”.

This makes Windows 10 Home suitable for Remote Desktop connection.

Also Read – How to Fix Remote Desktop Connection Error in Windows 10 or 8.1 or 7

Step #3

Now open another command prompt window and type “ipconfig”.

This will give the IP of your remote host PC. Generally the iPv4 address is your IP address.

Use Ipconfig Command To Find Ip Address Of Remote Host

Source :

Step #4

Now go to your Remote Client, from where you want to connect to your remote host computer.

Here our Remote client will be Windows 10 Professional desktop.

Related :  Fix: Bluetooth Not working in Windows 10 after 21H1 Update

Now press Win + R and enter “mstsc”.

This should open the “Remote Desktop Connection” pop-up window.

Step #5

Now enter the IP of your remote client, which you have found earlier. Now click Connect.

You will be prompted with the username and password of the remote computer client.

If you are using a common Microsoft account, only password is required. If you are using different accounts, you need to click “Use another account“.

Username And Password Of Remote Host

Enter the credentials.

  • Now, you will get some security warning about certificate.
  • This is a common thing and caused by non-existing authorization certificate on the remote host.
  • Just select the option that says “Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer” and click “Yes”  button.


  • Now you should see your remote PC screen in a window.
  • One can do several tasks on this remote client, as if you were sitting in front of it.
  • Several operations can be done like fix any problems, update software, open Office documents and save them, transfer files etc.
  • A system function like reboot the system also can be done, by using the Start Menu.

This YouTube video shows the way on how to enable remote desktop connection in Windows 10 Home. In general, RDP access is not possible in Home edition. But using the “trick” above, you can enable remote access in Windows 10 Home.

Errors with Windows 10 Home Remote Desktop

I found a few things which are not mentioned on the Internet.

When we connect to the Windows 10 Home, I observed that it signs out automatically.

Related :  How to Fix Error Code 0xc1900223 in Windows 10 after 1903 update

So if you want to work on your PC directly again, you need enter the password or PIN details again.

Also, I observed that any tasks done on the remote PC (here it’s Windows 10 Home) were very slow when we use remote desktop connection.

Third-Party Apps to Connect Windows 10 Home

If the above program or tweak does not work in remote access to your Home edition, then there are other alternate apps.

  1. TeamViewer
  2. AnyDesk
  3. Chrome Remote Desktop
  4. Microsoft Remote Desktop for Android
  5. Microsoft Remote Desktop App for Windows 10
  6. LogMein
  7. R-HUB Remote Support Servers


The remote desktop feature is in-built in Windows 10 or 8.1 or 7.

Instead of using third-party software and having problems connecting to remote client, it’s always better to use the in-house tool of Microsoft.

Also this is very simple to use and has very less complications.

You just have to know the local IP or external IP of your remote client and enter it’s details in the Remote desktop connection pop-up window.

This is more than sufficient for most of the cases.

Let me know in the comments if you are successful in remote connection to your desktop in Windows 10 Home.

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  1. As a side note, if you connect to a public network, then remote desktop will not work even if you have it enabled.