OneDrive is a long used cloud storage service from Microsoft. Error code 0x80040c97 comes up when the configuration, installation, security certificates and network protocols are in issue.
By default Windows 10 comes with pre-installed OneDrive, if you use a Microsoft account.
But for Windows 7 users and local account administrators, it may be required to install OneDrive.
Typical message on forums like
I’m trying to install OneDrive on my window 7 PC and keeps showing me: “The file you downloaded might be damaged, or there might be a problem with certificates on your PC. Please download and install OneDrive again”. I have actually re-download this same file like thrice and same message keeps popping up.
Most of the time, OneDrive installation goes well. Only when you download the installation file from non-reputable sources, you could land in 0x80040c97 error.
Another instance when you got this issue can be when you are using OneDrive and do an update to Windows or the app itself.
Manual install of OneDrive is a necessary evil sometimes. Even in Windows 10, forum users complained about this error code.
In this post we are going to see different ways to fix the OneDrive error code 0x80040c97.

OneDrive Installation error code 0x80040c97 Windows 7
Error code 0x80040c97 can sometimes be caused by a temporary problem with the Microsoft OneDrive service. Try again later and see if the problem persists. If the problem continues, uninstall and reinstall OneDrive on your computer.
OneDrive couldn’t be installed 0x80040c97 Windows 7 32 bit
If you see the error code 0x80040c97 when you try to install OneDrive, it means that the installation was interrupted.
Maybe it was interrupted because your computer restarted or there was a power outage.
To try installing OneDrive again, go to the Microsoft support website and download the latest version of OneDrive.
If you still see error code 0x80040c97, then there might be a problem with your internet connection. error 0x80040c97 is another source to fix your problem. Download from this third-party source for earlier versions of OneDrive.
Use Microsoft Edge instead of IE for Windows 7
Another important update is to use Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Explorer. Once you reinstall OneDrive on Windows 7, you may get an error that says
“Upgrade your Browser. Looks like your browser isn’t up-to-date. To continue, upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Edge or your current browser.”
So the above fix will solve the problem.
Use Old version of OneDrive on Windows 7
A message with some DLL files corrupted may also erupt with error code 0x80040c9. It is because the OneDrive got updated automatically with a new version like 19.222.1110.0006. Then you need to reinstall an old version from the OneDrive install database. It mainly happens with Windows 7 versions.
Microsoft OneDrive 19.152.0801.0008 seems to be working for many forum users.
Downgrade Windows 10 to 7 to fix OneDrive error
Another fix to error 0x80040c97 is to downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7. Sometimes, the new OS may not support the old version of OneDrive. Then you have to revert back to Windows 7 and reinstall the old version of OneDrive.
Code 0x80040c97 on Windows 10
One of the common reasons for error 0x80040c97 in Windows 10 is the corrupt installation files or damage due to viruses.
Partial downloads or third-party interferences are another hindrance. Certain security certificates may get corrupted in networks and protocols.
Change Registry Value in Windows 10
Windows Registry is another area where the complication happens during third-party installation of files.
Note: Take a backup of the registry whenever you make changes to it.

Type regedit or Registry Editor in the search box and open it.
- Go to the following path.
- Create a key – DisableFileSyncNGSC
- Change the value to 0 and reboot the PC.
Reinstall OneDrive and your error should be gone.
Terminate OneDrive process and Reinstall in Windows 10
If the OneDrive process is still running, you need to kill it first.
- Open the Powershell or Command Prompt in admin mode.
- Type the command
taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe
and Press enter. - Uninstall OneDrive using Settings or Control Panel.
Reinstall the appropriate version of OneDrive.
Delete temporary Windows files and Restart Windows Update service
If the Windows update files are corrupted, its service cannot be restarted. Better delete its related temp and system files.
- Open the Run dialog and paste the following path –
- Select all and delete all the files.
- Go to services and restart Windows Update service.
Clean Windows Download path in Registry in Windows 10
- Open the registry editor and enter the following path.
- Find the following keys in the right hand pane. WUServer and WIStatusServer
- Delete them. If they are found, your update download path must be good.
Error code 0x8004de40 OneDrive Windows 7
There are a few different error codes that you might see when using Microsoft OneDrive, and one of them is 0x8004de40.
This particular error code means that OneDrive is having trouble syncing your files.
There are a few different potential causes for this error, including:
- -OneDrive is not installed correctly
- -There are too many files in your OneDrive folder
- -OneDrive is not configured correctly
- -There is a problem with the OneDrive service
If you see this error code, there are a few different things you can try in order to fix it. First, make sure that OneDrive is installed properly.
Next, check your OneDrive settings to make sure that everything is configured correctly.
Finally, if the problem persists, you can try resetting the OneDrive service.
Setup error code 0x80040c97 OneDrive Windows 7
When you encounter an error code 0x80040c97 during OneDrive setup, it means that OneDrive cannot connect to the proxy server.
This can be caused by a number of issues, including incorrect proxy settings or network connectivity issues.
To resolve this error, follow these steps:
1. Check your proxy settings
2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection
3. Temporarily disable any firewall or antivirus software you have running
OneDrive Installation Error 0x80040c97
If you see the error code 0x80040c97 when you try to install OneDrive, it means that there’s a problem with your OneDrive account.
You might see this error if, for example, you’re trying to create a new account but you already have an existing OneDrive account.
To fix this problem, try signing in with a different Microsoft account. If you don’t have another Microsoft account, you can create one for free.
Summary – How to Fix OneDrive Error 0x80040c97
There are a few things you can try to fix the OneDrive error 0x80040c97:
1. Check your internet connection and make sure it is stable.
2. Try restarting your computer and then opening OneDrive again.
3. Check if there is any pending windows update and install it.
4. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling OneDrive.