Email is one of the favorite way of messaging for US Internet Users.

Quora uses your email to send notifications for different reasons.

Some of them are given permission by default, when you create Quora account.

The Quora email settings are useful if you want to stop quora emails from reaching your inbox. You can totally unsubscribe from Quora emails.

Quora is one of the popular Q&A social platform where you get answers from its community of people. Your email can get easily overwhelmed with requests and sessions answers notifications, when you allow in the default email settings.

This is for a reason. We use email for different purpose. Email can be used to interact with friends, get messages from business clients and notifications from social channels.


In this post, we are going to see how to toggle Quora email notifications using which can stop receiving quora emails  to your inbox.

How to Access Settings in Quora

The following are the steps.

  1. Open on your browser.
  2. Login to your account. (different ways exist like email, facebook etc)
  3. Click the Profile picture.
  4. Then click on Settings.
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Access Quora Settings


How to Access Email & Notifications setting

You can click Email & Notifications on the left-hand side of Quora settings.

Here you have different check-box that allow or forbid permission to different notification.

Email Notifications Quora Settings


Quora email settings

These are divided into 3 main categories

  1. Content Channels
  2. Activity on your Content
  3. From Quora

Content Channels

The following settings can be managed under General Questions & Answers.

  1. New Answers
  2. Requests
  3. Session Answers

You can stop quora email notifications when there are new answers, when someone requests me to answer a question, when someone I follow is answering questions in their session.

  • You just have to uncheck the box, to the corresponding item.

Stop Quora Email Settings

Messages, Comments & Mentions

The following email notifications are available as under

  1. Messages
  2. Comments and Replies

You can stop email notifications when someone sends you a direct message, when someone comments on your comment or replies to your comments.

Messages Comments Spaces Quora Settings


The following email notification settings are available for Spaces or communities.

  1. Space Invites
  2. Unlocked Features

You can also manage the spaces you follow.

Spaces is simply a platform that belongs to Quora. You can allow people to create communities based on shared interests. This will allow people to search for answers to questions among these communities or “Spaces”. This feature is in beta stage and provided to elite Quora users only.
  • Using the above settings, you can stop email notifications when someone invites you or accepts your invitation to a space.
  • You can also get notifications when your space has unlocked new features like custom url etc.
  • You can also manage the spaces you follow. The frequency of updates from your spaces can also be adjusted here.
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You & Your Network

The following options are available here.

  1. New Followers
  2. Your Subscriptions
  3. People You Follow

You can stop notifications when someone follows you. One can manage the updates from people you are subscribed to and highlights from people you follow.

Stop Followers Notifications Quora

Activity on your Content

The following email notification settings are available.


You can stop receiving email notifications when someone upvotes your answers.

Control Activity Of Your Content Quora Settings

When someone has shared or reshared your content, then also you can receive or disable notifications.


Sometimes your questions or answers are deleted by moderators. If you want to receive notifications regarding this behavior, you can check this box.

This is useful if a popular Q&A of yours on Quora has got traction. For some unknown reasons, they may be deleted after some time. You may not be in a position to know whether your answer or question is still available on Quora.

In that case, this setting is useful.

From Quora

The following settings are available.

  1. Quora Digest – Email frequency (Up to once a day or Weekly)

You can control the frequency of digests of top stories on quora. Otherwise, you can totally disable them.

Quora Digest Settings

Things You Might Like

One can enable or disable the following notifications.

  1. Popular Answers
  2. Stories Based on My Activity
  3. Recommended Questions

You can stop receiving emails about answers and shares upvoted by peole you follow.

You can disable email notifications about stories based on your activity. Also, recommended questions for you to answer can be notified to your email using the last setting.

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There are many notifications in email settings of Quora. You can enable only a few.

Therefore, the following email settings can be checked, based upon my experience.

  1. New Answers
  2. Messages
  3. Comments and Replies
  4. Space Invites
  5. Unlocked Features
  6. My Answers
  7. Quora Digest – Weekly frequency
  8. Stories Based on My Activity.

Uncheck rest of the email notifications.

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One Comment

  1. I do not yet have an acct, but I am a frequent reader. Now,how do I stop someone from following my reading choices? It seems not only does someone follow me, but has interfered by not allowing me to finish article in its entirety! Also, what does red circle with a white cross mean?