The Windows 8 event is over and the drum-roll has begun! Soon on Friday everybody will be rushing to get their copy of genuine Windows 8. After comparing different Windows 8 versions, you are sure to get an idea on what is right for you! But the important link is missing! Where to buy Windows 8 ?

We have already seen a review on Windows 8 price comparison and you should definitely get some clue to where to go for it! Let’s see some of the online places where you can get a copy of Windows 8 or buy devices running on Windows 8!

Table of Contents

Best Buy

You can find a variety of devices available in this store. You can go to this main link, where you can review your Windows 8 options and decide which product or edition to buy!

You can buy desktops, laptops, All-In-One Computers, Monitors, Tablets, Software and Mobile Phones by visiting the above store.

Best Buy Windows 8 Promotions 3


You can buy different products of Windows 8 from Amazon. The No. 1 best seller is the Microsoft Windows 8 Pro which is priced at $68.88. There are different other software like the Windows 8 System Builder DVD – 64 bit priced at $99.99, Windows 8 Professional System Builder DVD 64-bit priced at $139.99 which are higher on prices.

Note : I’m providing a link to my Affiliate search on Amazon, where there are more Windows 8 and Windows 7 related products. If you buy from this link I may get a small commission.


This is another retailer outlet from which you can order your Windows 8 devices and software. Here you have Windows 8 Pro and Windows 8 Pro Pack priced at $69.99. You can use Windows 8 Pro to install on your desktop or laptop. The Pro Pack is equipped a lot better by having the standard features of Windows 8 plus enhanced features that help you easily connect to company networks, access files on the go, encrypt your data, and more.

Related :  8 Things You Need to Know About macOS X and Windows 8

Compusa Windows 8

Apart from the above dealers, you can buy Windows 8 software and devices from these retailers also.

  • AT&T
  • B&H
  • BJs
  • Circuit CITY
  • Costco
  • PCConnection Express …

and lot others.

I found a link on Acer, which links to these retailers and where you can search about Windows 8 products.

Since its on Acer page, so all the retailer links direct you to Acer products. Try using the “Search box” present on each retailer page using which you can find Windows 8 related products from other brands and companies.

Online Retailers Windows 8

Hope, you are little more clarified on where to buy Windows 8 online now? But, since Christmas is fast approaching you might wait to get a cheaper deal on Windows 8 affiliated products or use the 15 dollar upgrade to fulfill your Metro thirst.

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